
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Closing Out 2011.

Some of you reading this may be wondering why I have that picture above. Well, I’m glad you asked but be patient and enjoy the ride and in the end you will be answered to the best of my abilities. Harhar.

I took this picture for one reason but that reason ended up being overshadowed by a bigger reason. I actually took it to send it to someone but then realized there was a lot more going on after taking a second glance. Most people often overlook the simple things in life. Why? Well this is Six Flags Magic Mountain. Tons of people go there each and every day. As for me I pass it daily and never really pay it any concern. The location isn’t as important at this point; I’m merely using it as a point of reference.

As this year comes to a close, it’s time to look back and reflect on the good and the bad. I’ll touch on how my year went to conclude this post but first things first. Keep in mind as always, this blog is about me and right below the title the description states, “the little things in my life.” But it’s crazy how things go on each and every second that most of us pay no mind to. It’s truly sad how things slip under our radar. I do realize this is a pointless post and life has always been that way.  But isn’t it weird how you only really notice things unless they slip away from your grasp but that’s also in due part to distractions. A few days ago I chose to take my butt off Facebook (for a few days). Why? Well, I started realizing how sad my life is when the first thing I do when I wake up, when I go on break, when I get home, and so on, is to sign on and check what’s the latest post up and what’s going on in other peoples’ lives. Sad, isn’t it? Facebook, is just one prime example of a distraction but that’s where you need to control yourself before it controls you. Anyways, I can go on and on with this but I’m sure my point was in there somewhere. 

In conclusion, yes, 2011 has treated me well and I’m sad it’s coming to an end. I tried a different approach towards things; started taking control of what I do and how I do it. I started doing what I wanted to do. I realized people changed my course of direction and I need to start doing what I want to do and when I want to do it. I need to stop putting myself behind others and their priorities and start putting myself number one. The results have been rewarding but you live and you learn, yes? Alright, enough of me trying to sound all confiscated, enlighten and whatnot…on with the New Year!  Best to everyone; be safe and party smart.

Friday, December 2, 2011

I Can See!

"I can see clearly now the haze is goneeeeeeeeee!"

It's about time I did this! My headlights have been hazed up for so long, I'm surprised my lights still shined through. My baby got lasik! SHE CAN SEE AGAIN! Also decided to switch up the mirror since someone said the inside of my car looks like Sanrio....ahhh, thanks? Just mounted, haven't sticker bombed it or anything. Think I might keep it the way it is...hmmm!

Driver's side: Before.

Passenger's side: Before.

What cha looking at?

Mirror: Before.

Let's see how long I stick with this mirror. If I don't like it I can always change it back.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Flash Photography.

Hot Imports Night. Remember this show that was popping back in the days with the flashing lights, blinging cars and the voluptuous models? Well it's back and it's creeping up real fast. This time I actually have a decent camera but my photography skills will be put to the test. Maybe I'll just slap my cam on auto, either way I needed one more weapon. I remembered that back in the day this show was dimly lit and I know my stock flash won't be enough so I had to get reinforcements.

Today, my dear mother stepped up and got me an early Christmas present by getting me a Speed Light. Can't thank her enough or let her know how much I love her but now it's time to practice enough before that day arrives.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hooters After Dark.

Some of you may or may not know but I hit up this Hooters meet every month. Usually, people come out, kick it and head home. But then there are some of us who like to just hang around and sometimes something special happens. Couple months ago the Dayuum guys decided to stick around. Unfortunately, I did not have my cam on hand since it was being repaired but others did. Sorry for the crappy cellphone pictures but if you check out my facebook picture Jack is tagged in one of them, so check it out. Thanks again to the Dayuum crew for letting me hang out and including me somehow into the shoot. For more check out

Saturday, November 12, 2011

My Life In A Box.

Dropped off my computer the other day to finally get her worked on. Sigh, life is so boring without my baby. I on that thing 24/7. She has all my pictures and music and basically knows me better than anyone else. She has my favorites all ready for my use and whatever I need in one quick click. I miss her and my life is pretty boring/sad without her. Hopefully, when she returns she will be better than ever. As you can see from the picture she's a little heavy but it isn't about what she looks like or that she's gained a little weight since she's been in my life but what counts more...her constant. Til that day she returns, I am bored.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Break Time!

Wow, it's been awhile since I've posted anything hasn't it? Looks like I only had one post in October. Sorry but the quality of this post isn't all that special to make it a major comeback but to me it is. While I was on break the other day, this classic rolled up. If you guys know me you realize automobiles are apart of my life. That means all types such as this rare classic. I was just thinking how amazing it is to see these cars well taken care of and still rolling around your local streets. Think about it, these cars are older than most of us and most of us can't even take care of the car we picked up in the past 10 years, let alone 50 plus years. Just thought I'd share some Classic American cars with you all. Thanks for reading.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

K.R.O.P.S. Please!

Alright, as some of may remember, I was asked to join a blog. Cool, huh? Anyways, finally got some K.R.O.P.S. gear. For those of you who don't know, K.R.O.P.S. = Keep Racing Off Public Streets. I do realize I do not race nor do I track but I do enjoy the people and the rides they bring out to shows, meets, and events. Either way it's still a good cause don't cha think? If you'd like to learn more about K.R.O.P.S. hit me up or check out We are also on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, or possibly a local meet/show near you.

K.R.O.P.S. Stickers, Business Cards, Wristband, and Tee.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Air Runner Open House Event.

Do I go to too many meets? I never really realized it but I guess I do. Someone mentioned to me that I do and they also mentioned, "Wow, you sure waste a lot of gas." I really never thought about it like that. I think that's why I chose not to attend today's food truck/car meet that's would have made it another hour long drive. Which I did this past weekend, was going to do today and one more this weekend on Sunday.

This past weekend I chose to attend a different type of car meet. It was being held by "It's JDM Yo" blog and "Air Runner" a suspension company. Again, I did not have my camera so the picture below is all I took. I just wanted to see how it was. There weren't any registration fees and what not so who ever wanted to roll up and park there ride and be apart of it was free to do so. The rides that were there were pretty clean. Keep in mind it was being held by an air-ride company so VIP type cars were expected. There was also a couple of vendors, as well as food trucks and I had to try one of them, which I did. The food was yummy but after I bought my bottle soda I realized I could've saved a couple bucks by picking up a free NOS drink from the spokesmodel that was handing them out, UGHH! Oh wells, I have added that Coke bottle to my mini Coke collection. As for the meet itself, there weren't that many people nor was there that many rides but I have no complains. It was really relaxing setting, which is always cool. The quality of cars were a bit more above that of an average car hence why I parked mine out of view, haha. Thanks for reading and enjoy the ONE picture I took with my phone.

It's JDM Yo x Air Runner Collaboration.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Krispy Kreme Meet.

As some of you may or may not know, this past Krispy Kreme meet held in Burbank was the last for the year and maybe even longer. Unfortunately for me, I did not have my camera but that didn't stop me from having a good time. I can't say more than, THIS MEET WAS AMAZING! The feel of it was dope. The vibe was relaxing and chill. The turnout of cars was huge. The quality of those cars was pretty good as well. Some people even brought there rides out on a trailers such as this one Skyline. As for me well, since I didn't have my camera I had to fill that void. It's funny how many of these Krispy Kreme meets I attend, yet this is the first time I've ever purchased any of their stuff. I'm not really a snack fan; such as, donuts, chips, cookies, ice cream, etc etc. I guess that's why I just bought a box to try out and bring home to my dad because he loves all those goodies. Weird, that box ended up back in my possession after my mom told me she didn't want my dad eating that stuff. Honestly, she doesn't want me eating that stuff either but she probably prefers I do over him. Alright back to the meet! Walked around eating my donuts and bumped into some homies...Eugene, Gino, Niko, and their homies. Hung with them and their Subaru's until they left to eat. Went back to my car to grab another donut and walked around again and bumped into Paul and Ryan. Which was all cool because we meet up with Ryan's sister Rusel and wifey Cathy and we walked around a bit more. Finally met the infamous EuroTuner Star Jose. That's when we all just chilled and talked until the cops sent us all home. Next morning I wake up reading Ryan's facebook and his wifey Cathy giving birth. Congratultions go out to the both of them again. I still think them donuts had something to do with it. Speaking of them donuts...HERE IT IS!

Only picture I took that night.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Southern California.

Where am I going with this? Well, back in the day I use to have some snap-back hats I use to wear but they're in poor shape now. That lead me to wanting a new one. If someone knows me well enough, they'd know how odd I am. I have this thing where I like to wear things I support or whatever. Hence why I use to wear my L.A. hat all the time. I got to support the city I'm from, you know? Long story short I grew up a UCLA fan. I think Ian had something to do with that. Then growing up watching then and finally my cousin went there and now I have one currently going there. It's just one of those debates where people pick Coke or Pepsi, Dodgers or Angels, Canon or Nikon and of course UCLA or USC. Well, I picked this hat because I didn't feel like promoting a brand and more the location. Southern Cal BABY! It's just sad how people might think I'm fake. Imagin walking down the street and a random person seeing me with this had, what are they going to think? Hmm, I'm an SC fan? Eww no, especially with all the negative stories behind it now. Plus I'm almost in Westwood, ahem UCLA terrirtory. Hopefully, I don't wear this hat around there. People are going to be yelling at me and I'm sensitive, haah. Alright, enjoy my random snippets!

Oh and more 411 about me:

 Southern Cal!
Wasn't sure if I was going to post this but wow, it looks like I have mini muscles! HAAAH!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Wayfarers.

After years of wanting these sunglasses, maybe Men In Black days? Or even older, The Blues Brothers? Either way I finally had enough money to pick a pair up. By the way, I didn't just pick these up because they are Ray-Ban's or that they are owned by every kid and their daddy's but it does actually fit my face a lot better then the average pair of shades. Thanks to Marie for always helping me out on getting the things I want. If anyone knows me I'm by no means balling but every once and awhile it doesn't hurt to get some of the finer things in life. I was the type of person to save, save and save but life's too short to be holding back. Life is about finding that balance and what the heck, pick up a pair of Ray-Ban's! Anyways, I decided to do things a little different with this one here and in honor of my Nikon being out of commission this was taken while she was still around. Here is an attempt of me being a little artsy. ENJOY!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Allium Sativum.

Allium sativum, more commonly known as garlic is what this post is about. Hella random yes? Well, a couple months ago I received some Dodger baseball tickets and of course I had to eat. I decided to try something my dear friend Arlette brought up one time. Below you will see GARLIC FRIES! Yes, it was yummy and yes both Aacree and my breathe were smelling extra yummy afterwords. Hope you enjoyed this informative post. Until next time!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Costco Gasoline.

Went to Costco to get some gas the other day and saw a sexy M3. I couldn't resist not taking a picture of it. I guess it shows all the nice cars go there to get gas. First him and of course mine, haha joking. Anyways, the car is simple; nice rims with a fat lip, functional drop and sexy car. Who can hate on an M3? Oh yes, and it sounded nice as is revved off into the land of sexy cars.

 Me creeping.
Creeping closer, haha. How many people creep on cars? =]

Friday, September 9, 2011

Enzo's Pizzeria.

Family! Yes, one word says it all, doesn't it? Well, this past weekend the cousins finally got together to hang out. Chilled in Westwood at Sandra & Eric's new apartment and of course it was fun times. We all took a walk to Enzo's Pizzeria and if you haven't been there, then're just missing out then, aren't cha? It was cool because Mr. Enzo himself was standing outside talking to us telling us the story behind it all. Basically, only him and his close friend from childhood hold the receipe and he is almost never in town because he goes to each of his stores to make enough of his secret ingredients for the week or so. That's just crazy but he must be doing something right....CAUSE IT'S AMAZING! Enjoy, sorry the photos are crap but I didn't really want to take any pictures because hello...look at the pizza!

 TAAADAAA! 23 inches. Who says size doesn't matter? =]
Before and BAM after! All gone.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Switching The Style Up.

"50 told me go head switch the style up and if they hate them let them hate and watch the money pile up." Alright, I'm not doing anything for money. You can tell by my ghetto lifestyle, haha.

As of today, "I'm going to take my AMAZING talents (sarcasm) to another blog and join the"

I've been blogging for a little over a year now or so and it's all fun. But recently, I was approached with an opportunity to blog about my car stuff on a new blog. I had to ask myself, should I? Basically, I'd be doing the same thing over there, posting about car meets or shows that I attend. Site is way more official then mine and who knows how big this can get? I mean if it doesn't work out I can always come back to doing what I do. Anyways, this is by no means an end to this blog. This is my baby and I will continue posting whatever randomness that I find blog worthy. Thanks to my loyal fans for taking time out of their day to come on here and read about whatever randomness I post about.

Go check out It's a blog with a dope message, so LIKE their page and keep coming to this one, haha.

BTW, my first post is up! CHECK IT OUT!!


Thursday, September 1, 2011


If you guys read my other blog then you realize this boot or DAS BOOT was one of the prizes. Although I didn't win it I did however take it home. Anyways, people were speculating as to how many cans of whatever beverage you choose to drink actually fit into the boot. I decided to test the theory myself.

There you go! You can see for yourself that it fits 3 cans, hahaha. Remember where you saw it first! Wow, I feel like mythbusters or something. /0.0\

Monday, August 29, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me!

Couple weeks ago it was my birthday and I did sort of a tradition of mine and took myself to Nisei. Sadly, the days before the show my poor lanyard that I've had for about 10 years broke and my keys felt naked. What was I to do? Well after Nisei, I hit up Little Tokyo and stopped by Illest to get myself a present. I really liked and wanted the Weksos one but somehow I went home with two. If you can't tell...yes, I am running out of things to post, haha.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Why Bumble Bee? Why???

On my way home I spotted Bumble Bee getting pulled over. Something tells me he was riding dirty. Maybe the fame got to him? Now once a Hollywood Star, he now carry's a record...sad isn't it? =/

Sorry for the far distance picture but the last thing I need is ANOTHER cell phone ticket.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Bluetooth Story.

Yep, I did it again! I decided to change the name of my blog to make it more personal and not some corny aim screen name. If it were up to me I would have named it "This Shit's Bluetooth"...wait it is up to me. Well, I didn't want any vulgar word in the title and I thought, "The Bluetooth Story" was kind of cool....once I tell you guys the story behind it that is.

Now on to the story! "This Shit's Bluetooth" has to do with a memory I shared with Ian, a longtime friend of mine whom I lost last year. It was one of those times where he came back on one of his military leaves to hang with his family and friends. It happened one night where we all wanted to kick it but didn’t know what to do but once we did we hopped in to two rides that day, the infamous Previa van that he drove everyone around in back in the day and his latest ride the G aka G35. Our destination was to hit up one of the most people food trucks ever, the Kogi Truck. I remember the ride there; he would be showing us his collection of music by bumping a bunch of jams that he collected from his military buddies over there on the East Coast. It was cool riding down the street having people look at us like we were famous, haha. Once we finally got there, we didn’t anticipate the amount of people that would show, so the line was a bit long but that was cool with us. If anyone knows Kogi Truck then you know it's a fusion of Korean and Mexican food and people love to follow them on twitter and hit up whatever their next stop will be. We finally got our food and it was cool. We got kind of got a variety of things to share with each other and what not. After we were done eating, it was getting late but we didn't want to head back yet. Somehow we ended up at the beach. All of just walking towards the beach, crossing the parking lot, walking over the bike lane and stopping right before the sand. It was funny because we all were like what? Maybe it was the fact that none of us were really dressed up to hit the stand. We just ended up chilling there on the wall. It was fun times, people going back and forth on the bike lane. Whether it be on a bike, jogging, rollerblades, or whatever it was, the night breeze felt cool, so why not. Quick insight, since Ian got back he was always telling me these weird words that were the slang over there on the East Coast and he’d even tell me about so this rapper and this rapper having some kind of beef. Even the music he played that night, he was telling me, "Oh, you know Dougie meant getting a fresh hair cut?" (Song by Lil Will-My Dougie) I was like what? That doesn't even make sense. Now back to the story…!!! After we were done chilling on the wall and walking back, the boys in one group and the girls in another just talking about randomness. Ian was telling all of us another slang word and I was like you can just say whatever random word like "Bluetooth" and make a meaning out of it. It was then he walked up to his sisters while they were talking about something and he was like hey "That Shit's Bluetooth" and the girls were like huh? What? He was like "Oh, that's some of that East Coast slang." One of em was like, “That's just stupid, haha.” (While I cringe feeling offend a bit but smiling on the outside trying not to laugh.) The others were amazed and were like, “Yeah? Really? What does it mean?” Ian was like, "Oh, it means like...(as he pauses and uses his quick random wit)..Off The Hook." One of them was like, “Hey, that's kind of cool!” Once we got back to the house and the days following we just kept doing cool stuff and someone would just say, "That's Bluetooth! or "That Shit's Bluetooth!" Just a random story I thought I’d share. Ian was a cool person. He’d play along if you had a joke, he’d make you feel welcome if you felt unwelcome and best of all was his heart. His memory lives on through us and the stories we share. This is just one of the stories I can look back and go, “Hey, remember when?” Always thinking of you IAN!!

In honor of Ian I have decided to name my blog “The Bluetooth Story.” With each post, it will represent what is “Cool” or Off the hook” that’s going on in my life and it will also keep his memory alive. Maybe later I’ll shorten the title and just call it TBS or something; yes I know that acronym is taken but whatever! Thanks for taking the time to read/check out my corny blog. =]

R.I.P. Ian T.D. Gelig.


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Nisei Showoff.

Last weekend...yes I know I am behind, haha. Anyways, a week ago I went to a car show and it has been a show that I've enjoyed in the passed. Fortunately, this one didn't live up to my expectations. For those of you who don't know Nisei is more than a car show, it's a whole Japanese Town Festival. But more on the car show itself, it's probably one of if not the most legit car show out there. They cut out the b.s. such as, random T.V. screens all over a car, tons of models all over. wild body kits, other pointless mods. and focus on pure rides equipped with performance mods and other cool goodies that actually serve a purpose. Well, that's what I was expecting and usually top car crews usually come out hard and show strength in numbers but this year it felt like teams were just holding back for tomorrows car show or something. It's weird...I didn't think overall the show was that memorable, yet I took almost 300 pictures. I came to this show after work so I guess I was rushing it but there was every type of ride there. From VIP's, to Classics, to New School, every make was pretty much represented.  By looking at these cars, you can tell tons of sweat and hours went into those rides. Alright, enough with the random ramblings...on with the pictures.

 Saw this when I was about to go in. Think this ride was at the SmartWax meet.
 Been wanting one of these for awhile and I finally got one.
 Some of the vendors.
 Nicely done Datsun truck.
 Old school Datsun.
 Seen this car a couple times at meets. Finally get to see it in daylight.
 Old school Toyota's.
 This car keeps winning every show it attends.
 Sick S2k. Check out that engine.
 Downtown L.A. as a backdrop...DOPE!
 This car has been around for awhile and it still can compete with today's rides.
 Old school Skyline.
Fat lip.
 It's the "Iron Man" ride.
 Supra's never get old.
 Baller ride. Wish I got a closer picture of his new Neo-Chrome dipped Endless BBK.
 This car is everywhere! Part of the new 1Up crew.
 Stance'd out NSX? Pretty clean.
 Eric got some new goodies under the hood...some ITB's on his crazy DC5.
 Crazy Bimmer. I wouldn't mind having this one. =]
 Damn...look at that fitment.
 Old school Subaru.
BP VIP crew representing.
 Dope rides from Vegas.
 Team Praxis never shy to show.
 Old school Rotary's.
 Old school Toyota's.
 Oh wow...Lexus LF-A.
 Team Hybrid holding it down.
 Been a fan of this ride for awhile.
 More Rotary's.
 Some Classic's.
 Supastar representing.
Sick ride. I was like what???
 Weird, there weren't many Scions there but this one was holding it down.
 One day I'm going to be a Soccer dad and I will have this car. VIP!
 Team Auto Concept Elite (ACE). They brought a few cars but they're all win!
 Cops were scooping this car out and so was I.
 Old schooool!
 Some Domestic's came to represent such as this one from Team Hybrid.
 And the Winner is....!!
 Some Exotics.
 The Chronicles booth with the "Generations" lineup.
I'll end it here. Toodles Nisei!