
Monday, January 17, 2011


I do realize this post is hella late but shhhh! Anyways, a couple weeks ago it snowed. It's not something that many Socaler's get to experience and for those who haven't, well then I'm glad you finally have. Snow is awesome! It makes the world a better place and it's dope watching all the kids' faces light up. Snow brings joy! If you want some proof well the day it snowed everyone was on facebook posting about how it was snowing, taking pictures of their snow creations, and so on.

I had to deal with the aftermath, since I was just getting off work when it was slowly ending. Lucky for me there was only traffic on the street in front of my house. But on the way home I saw how the freeway was jammed packed and how all the streets were covered in snow. I even saw cars slipping and sliding and it reminded me of that one trip my homies and I took where we had to put snow chains on. But yeah, these are just some pictures I took, nothing special but please, enjoy.

(Picture taken w/ my G1.)

This was taken the night of the snow fall.

And these were taken the next morning.

Till next time...

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