
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hiking @ Towsley Canyon.

Awhile back I didn't have my car, so I couldn't really head to the gym but luckily for me there's a hiking trail down the street from my house. After an incident of not having a ride to the trail I shrugged it off and basically walked to the trail. Little did I know that would hunt me on the way back. I've done this trail before, there's basically a 2 mile trail and a 5 mile trail and I've done them front to back and back to front but this day just seemed so much more intense. Somehow, I ended up on the 5 mile trail and I think I lost like 20 pounds that day. Maybe it was the 2 mile walk to and from the trail that added to it? Anyways, here are a few pictures I took with my cellphone. I took 3 water bottles that day and I got home with not a single drop left.

View of Santa Clarita Valley.Crazy, I'm actually higher than the 5 and the 14 freeway.
What's this?
Interesting flower I saw.
Looked kind of like a cotton ball.
You can see the 5 and 14 again.
View from the bottom. Doesn't look that crazy, huh?
Finally reached the end of the trail MANY hours later, haha.This is where I'm exhausted but I still have to walk my butt home.

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